Project Objectives

Objective SO#1

End-User direction assessment and evaluation of: existing solutions; gaps; and les-sons learnt from previous pandemics; leading to critical and in-formed evaluation of project outcomes and impacts.

Objective SO#4

ICT and data hub for field data communication and processing to facilitate decision-making by chain of command and authorities

Objective SO#7

Establish a worldwide pandemic community-testing forum (WPCTF)

Objective SO#2

Next Generation modular mobile laboratory systems designed developed and deliv-ered to provide analytical quality by design in accordance with ICH 2 guidelines to meet wide range of monitoring mission goal.

Objective SO#5

Defining, classifying, and incorporating societal factors, constraints, and heuristics

Objective SO#3

Staged diagnostic capability and capacity for delivery of reliable and unambiguous detection and identification of infectious agents across all pandemic phases.

Objective SO#6

Next generation CONOPS for mobile pandemic monitoring operations.

Objective SO#8

Promote international cooperation on pandemics with Japan, build scalable capaci-ties for joint multinational intervention